In-House Tournament

DOUVRIS In-House Tournaments motivate our members to train to the best of their abilities, to commit to their goals, and to test their skills periodically among their peers. It’s a great way to find out whether you like to compete, and it’s always a very fun event.

Team Douvris Fundraiser

The proceeds of our In-House Tournament support our DOUVRIS Team members who qualified for the WKC World Championships which takes place in Orlando Florida, November 8-13, 2015.


In-House Tournament Event Details:

Date: October 4, 2015. Tykes division starts at 9am, junior belts at 10am.

Ages: 4-13. Events are organized by age and belt level.

Cost: $20/student, cash only, covers one or both events. Proceeds support Team DOUVRIS members who qualify for WKC World Championships in Florida, November 2015

Prizes: medals for 1st, second, and third place per division. All participants receive participation medals.

Registration: pre-register at your dojo, or at the door on the day of the tournament.


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